Wednesday 23 April 2014

My Experience with Eyelash Extensions

I started this blog post a few weeks ago but decided to hold off publishing it until I could give my full start to finish, updated experience. These are my thoughts on them, pros and cons.

                                                      ~Sorry, I never took any pictures!~

So I recently got eyelash extensions for the first time. I got them using a Groupon so I got them for a really good deal. The only reason I hadn't gotten them sooner is I didn't want to pay $150+ every 3 weeks. I got them for my beach vacation so I wouldn't have to worry about getting waterproof mascara or fussing with my makeup. They are totally waterproof and you can treat them just like your normal lashes. That being said, you shouldn't touch them because of the oils in your fingers, which is hard to do.

I got synthetic mink lashes with a "C" curl and I think 10mm. They should last around 3 weeks but everyone is different. They last 2 weeks on some and 6 on others. I needed to get mine filled after 3 weeks.

The Pros:

I really like how they look. They look more natural than strip lashes because they are attached to your individual lashes. But they're still very dramatic and noticeable. I was worried they would be too dramatic for everyday use when not wearing any makeup, but they aren't. Not having to wear mascara saves time in the morning and I never have to worry about raccoon eyes. I don't even have to wear eyeliner during the day either. I wore a line line of eyeliner with them and barely even noticed a difference. Of course, if you wanted thicker, more dramatic eyeliner or winged eyeliner it would be noticeable, but for everyday, basic eyeliner, it's not even necessary. I love anything that saves me time in the morning! They're very comfortable and you can't even tell you are wearing them. They're great for times when you don't want to fuss with make up or mascara like on vacation.

The Cons:

The biggest downfall for me is that eye makeup application is more difficult. I got lashes with curl so I find they get in the way of my makeup brush and I practically have to hold the brush straight up when applying shadow. It's even harder to apply the crease colour and to blend when your brush is straight up. I always knock a few lashes off when I'm blending. And although it is nice to not have to worry about mascara on days I'm not wearing eye makeup, when I apply shadow, I feel like I still need it. The shadow falls down onto the lashes like with normal lashes, but I can't apply mascara to cover it up. I guess you COULD but it would decrease their longevity.
The other downside is washing my face and eye makeup removal. You can't wipe your eye with a pad or makeup removal cloth like you normally could. You have to get in carefully with a q-tip and oil-free makeup remover to take off eyeliner or shadow. I've been using a makeup remover wipe just wrapped around my finger which doesn't seem to touch the lashes but I sometimes snag one and it comes off. Washing my face and showering is also annoying that I can't wipe my eyes and water gets in them. I got an eye infection right after I got them and I partially blame the lashes. And of course there's the cost of maintaining them.

I got my refills done with the Silks and they might have looked slightly nicer and initially lasted a bit longer but I needed a fill at 3 weeks again. I've decided to not get them filled for the con reasons mentioned. It's going to cost $100 a month to maintain which I can't really justify. I didn't get them professionally removed, I just tried to remove them with mineral oil. It didnt work. I was pulling out my natural lashes with them. I couldn't get them all and was left with a few stragglers which looked horrible. I just trimmed em down to look less noticeable. My natural lashes look damaged and short and I have a few gaps from where they were pulled out. I've bought Rapid Lash and started applying that. That's a review for another day.

I'm glad I tried them out and think they're fun, but I'm kind of excited to get back to normal.

Have you tried lash extensions? What was your experience?

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